
O God, who always walks with us on the journey of life, we call upon you to lead us forth united.

Bless and guide our Diocesan Synod.

Keep us anchored in your love. Open our hearts as we listen and discern. Reveal to us the way we are called
to go out into the deep.
Give us the courage to pursue
the mission with bold humility.

May we experience renewal in our local Church today, and for generations to come.

We ask this prayer through Jesus Christ,
who in the power of the Holy Spirit continues to guide your Church, to the fullness of your Kingdom now, and forever.


Our Lady Help of Christians, pray for us. St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, pray for us.

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Prayer for the Voice Referendum

God of love, justice and solidarity.

In Jesus Christ,
You call us to build a society that mirrors your Kingdom.

Enable us to journey with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of Australia.

Help us to stand alongside them, addressing challenges with empathy and compassion.

Grant us the humility
to learn from their rich heritage, wisdom, culture and spirituality.

Give us the courage to dismantle unjust structures, and create new pathways to inclusion.

Let this referendum be a heart-felt affirmation to a new and better future for our country.

Together, may we grow to become a model nation,
where “the lowly are raised, and the hungry are filled with good things.”

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Composed by Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv 2023


Prayer for Families

God and Father of us all,
in Jesus, your Son and our Saviour,
you have made us your sons and daughters
in the family of the Church.

May your grace and love help our families
in every part of the world
be united to one another
in fidelity to the Gospel.

May the example of the Holy Family,
with the aid of your Holy Spirit,
guide all families, 
especially those most troubled,

to be homes of communion and prayer
and to always seek your truth and live in your love.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us!

– World Prayer for Families 2015


To Live Life to the Full: Mental Health in Australia Today

Jesus, you invite us all into the fullness of life.
May we support one another to flourish
in body, mind and spirit.
Strengthen our commitment to ensure
that nobody falls through gaps in our systems of care.

People called you mad.
Help us to recognise you
in those who suffer mental ill-health today.
Show us how to eliminate stigmatisation of mental ill-health
from our parishes, schools, communities and organisations.

You drew near to those
who were suffering in body or mind.
May we too feel your nearness
when we struggle with mental health challenges.
May we be one as members of Your Body.

You invite us to share in your ministry
of love and true compassion.
May we be empowered by your Spirit
to reach out to all people in need.
May we build communities of welcome and inclusion.



Mary MacKillop Prayer

Ever generous God,
You inspired Saint Mary MacKillop
To live her life faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ
and constant in bringing hope and encouragement
to those who were disheartened, lonely or needy.
With confidence in your generous providence
and through the intercession of Saint Mary MacKillop
We ask that you grant our request.

We ask that our faith and hope be fired afresh
by the Holy Spirit so that we too,
like Saint Mary MacKillop,
may live with courage, trust and openness.
Ever generous God hear our prayer.
We ask this through Jesus Christ.


Come Holy Spirit

“No one can say ‘Jesus is Lord’ except by the Holy Spirit” (1 Cor 12:3)

“The Spirit helps us in our weakness;
for we do not know how to pray as we ought,
but the Spirit himself intercedes for us
with sighs too deep for words” (Romans 8:26).

We want to pray, Lord, but you can seem distant,
and we can find we do not have the words,
nor even the thoughts,
but only the desire to know You more.

Help us, Holy Spirit! Pray in and through and for us.
“We can only open ourselves,
set our time at the disposal of God,
waiting for him to help us enter into true dialogue…
The Holy Spirit is almost the interpreter who makes God and us ourselves
understand what we want to say.” (Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, 16 May 2012)
And so Holy Spirit, help me to pray.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts and minds of Your faithful servants.
Enkindle in us the fire of Your Divine love.
Send forth Your Spirit and we shall be created.
And You shall renew the faith of the earth.


Entrusting Australia to Mary, Help of Christians

O Immaculate Mary, Help of Christians, Queen of heaven and earth, and tender Mother of humanity, at this time when a pandemic threatens all your children, we entrust to you our nation, Australia, and all who live in this country.

We commit to your intercession all the members of our community, beginning with the weakest ones, from the unborn to the sick, the disabled and the elderly.

We commit to you our families, our young and old, and all who are vulnerable, those who are quarantined or anxious.

We entrust to your Immaculate Heart those who have lost their livelihood or employment, our pastors and other essential service workers, and our leaders at this time.

We implore your intercession especially for the protection of doctors and nurses and those who minister to the contagious sick in this crisis.

Reign over us, Mother of God, and teach us how to make the Heart of Jesus reign and triumph in us and around us, as it has reigned and triumphed in you!